Social Media Planner Brief

Brief for Social Media Plan

Welcome to the Social Media Plan Brief Form! We're excited to collaborate with you on shaping our online presence. By filling out this form, you'll provide valuable insights that will inform our content strategy and ensure we're effectively reaching our target audience. Let's work together to bring our vision to life!
1.- Email(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This question is important. If you don't already have a mission, think about what needs your brand meets in the short term.
This question is important. If you don't already have a mission, think about what needs your brand meets in the short term.
6.- Values
7.- Objectives / Goals
Describe your ideal customer. Think of that customer that you imagine consuming your brand.
9.- Please mention several brands that you consider as a reference for yours.
Try to mention those brands that are directly related to yours or that offer similar services.
10.- Please list the services currently offered by your brand.
Product or Service
List each of the services you offer and indicate the cost of the services, if possible. If this is a personal brand, depending on the category, please list any other details of your service that you feel are important.
When describing this person, think about their tastes, behavior, and preferences.
13.- Indicate some terms that could serve as part of a glossary in brand management.
Think of those that are more difficult and that you think our team should know. Here you can mention those terms specific to your business sector.
14.- Describe your company's activities on any given workday.
16.- To know your expectations: What do you hope to achieve with your brand's digital presence?
17.- Are there any constraints we should take into account?
Indicate any constraints to be taken into account in terms of budget, strategy, tactics, or content.
18.- Please indicate your availability schedule so our team will know when to contact you.
Let us know what is your local time. For example: US Central Time or Mexico DF Time.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.